IFPRI Global food policy report

The world food system continued to be in a vulnerable position in 2012. As the 2015 deadline for the Millennium Development Goals approaches, progress toward halving the proportion of people suffering from hunger is not on track. Granted, a number of countries made important and promising changes in food-related policies, and the global community made …

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The Food Crisis and its Implications for Agricultural Development

Since January 2006, the prices of corn, wheat, and soybeans on world markets have more than doubled, and rice prices have tripled. These price increases have contributed to 5.1% food inflation in the United States, but the impact on consumers in developing countries is much greater. This is because food represents a much larger proportion …

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Food security, farming and climate change to 2050 IFPRI (Dec 2010)

This research monograph follows the 2009 release of IFPRI’s widely read food policy report, Climate Change: Impact on Agriculture and Costs of Adaptation, which used a detailed global agriculture model to analyze crop growth under two simulated future climate scenarios. This monograph takes advantage of and expands on IFPRI’s cutting-edge climate modeling expertise to address …

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