
Cameroon Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER)
Provides support to the Chede network through some its major programmes, such as PARI (professionalisation agricole and renforcement institutionnel);  CCSP (Cocoa and Coffee Support Programme); PRFP (programme de relance de la filière plantain); South West Provincial Delegation for Agriculture and Rural Development; etc.

Cameroon Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD)
Provides technical assistance to specific projects on the basis of a framework agreement concluded with CHEDE. A joint project on the production, processing and marketing of Ndole (a popular vegetable in Cameroon) is currently under way.

European Union/European Development Fund (
A major livelihood support project for Kupe Muanenguba developed and submitted by CHEDE has been endorsed by the Cameroon government for funding by the European Development Fund  during its ongoing 10th funding cycle.

UNDP, Cameroon Poverty Reduction Sub Programme (
The United Nations Development Programme is collaborating with CHEDE in the development of livestock in Kupe Muanenguba with initial emphasis on a pilot piggery project in the Chede Agric Project farm Muambong.

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (
Works with CHEDE in on-farm testing of its best research products (cassava, plantain and yam), as well as in the production and dissemination of planting materials judged most suited to the agro-ecological zone of Kupe Muanenguba, which is Chede’s principal area of operations for now.

AVRDC – World Vegetable Center, Regional Office for Africa, Liaison Office in Cameroon (
Working with CHEDE on a framework strategic agreement to promote modern vegetable farming in the South West Province of Cameroon.

A major Spanish development charity which is supporting CHEDE-MUAFCOOP in the construction of a farm-to-market road through the Abang-Manjo link and in building up its logistic capacity to evacuate and market produce.

International fair-trade Labelling Organizations (FLO) (
CHEDE-MUAFCOOP has been collaborating with FLO since 2004 for the marketing of its Robusta coffee on the international fair-trade market segment. In its efforts to have the fair-trade market niche benefit as many of its members as possible, Chede is in the process of identifying specific products which its member groups may wish to develop for certification and export on fair-trade market terms and conditions.