Related Organizations

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

African Growth and Opportunity Act of the US Government (AGOA)

African Union


Agriculteurs français et développement international (AFDI)



Center for Global Development (CGD)

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International (CABI)

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Global Development Network (GDN)

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

Institute of Development Studies

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Developement – The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), is an independent non-profit and non-governmental organization contributing to a better understanding of development and environment concerns in the context of international trade

International Cocoa Organization

International Coffee Organization

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

International Federation of Agricultural Producers

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

International Trade Centre (ITC/UNCTAD/WTO)

Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural du Cameroun (MINADER) – Cameroon Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)

Overseas Development Institute

Practical Action

Sustainable Aquaculture Research Networks in Sub Saharan Africa

Terra Viva Grants – Terra Viva Grants develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world’s developing countries.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

World Bank

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Directory of Development Organizations

The directory of development organizations lists 65,000 development organizations and was prepared to facilitate international cooperation and knowledge sharing among development practitioners, researchers, donor employees, and policymakers.

Download the Directory of Development Organizations – Europe.

Directories are also available for AfricaAsia and the Middle EastLatin America and the CaribbeanNorth America, and Oceania.

Development organizations listed include those working to advance sustainable development and poverty reduction, microfinance, trade and business development services, rural development and appropriate technology, private sector development and policy reforms, legislation, rule of law and good governance, community development and social protection, gender equality and participation, environment and health, research, training and education.