Chede Ghana

Chede Ghana was born out of the experience and lessons learnt from its mother organization, Chede Cameroun. The organization was formally registered to operate in June 2008 and it is still in its budding stage. Currently, the organization is in the process of setting up and developing proposals to solicit for funding.

The overall goal of Chede Ghana is to:

  • Improve food security, health and nutrition of targeted beneficiaries in rural and semi-urban households.

This would be achieved through the under listed objectives:

  1. Village development services that promote increased food and agricultural production and trade by villagers and the improvement of their communities.
  2. Strengthening village producer groups for local, regional and international trade, and organising them especially for the fair-trade market. This would be achieved through local and export marketing of the produce from the Ghanaian farmers.
  3. Improving the Health and Nutrition status of mothers and children under five years in targeted communities. This would be achieved through the implementation of maternal and child health interventions, and HIV/AIDS Care and Support activities.

Activities planned to accomplish the objectives would include:

  • Formation and development of Farmer Based Organizations (FBOs)
  • Training of farmers in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  • Training of FBOs towards Fair Trade Certification
  • Implement maternal and child health programs in targeted communities
  • Implement HIV and AIDS Prevention, Care and Support programs in targeted communities.

Targeted value chains for the farmers would include:

  • Pineapples
  • Vegetables
  • Sweet potatoes


Office Location:
No. 10 Korjor Lane
Bush Road – Rasta Junction
Teshie – Tebibiano
Accra – Ghana.


Country Director:
Ransome Nettey
Mob: 233-244-603737 or 233-27-4455533