Alarmed by plunging coffee production statistics in recent years, the Cameroon government has initiated yet another strategy designed to salvage the national coffee sector from complete meltdown. Entitled « Programme de Relance et de Développement des Filières Cacao et Café (PRDFCC) : 2015-2020, also known as Public Private Partnership Platform (Pppp) and adopted in September 2014, this latest strategy proposes new and rather ambitious coffee production targets: 130’000 tonnes of Robusta and 35’000 tonnes of Arabica to be attained by 2020. Dr Michael Njume Ebong, Chairman of Chede Cooperative Union (BOD) Ltd, highlights some major problems confronting the coffee sector and suggests solutions in an opinion piece published in the March 16 edition of Cameroon Tribune Newspaper entitled : Cameroon Coffee Sector : Value Chain or Broken Chain ?.. . .
→ Read More: Cameroon Coffee Sector :Value Chain or Broken Chain?