Production and dissemination of improved planting materials in the south West Region of Cameroon

Project Focus:  Scientific and technical capacity building for food security and improved farmer  livelihoods

Estimated cost:  8.5 million FCFA (€13’000).



1.0 Information on applicant organization

2.0 Project summary

2.1 Project fact sheet

2.2 Project geographical scope

2.3 Potential beneficiaries

2.4 Function

2.5 Key themes

2.6 Rationale

3.1 Project goal

3.2 Project purpose

3.3 Justification                                                                                                            

3.4 Modules

3.4.1 Production of clean planting materials

3.4.2 Multiplication of cassava cuttings

3.4.3 Production techniques

3.4.4 Improved agronomic and cropping systems

3.4.5 Integrated pest management strategies

3.4.7 Post harvest processing options

3.4.8 Monitoring & backstopping on the development of  Institutional arrangements for quality seed systems

3.4.9 Dissemination pathways


Table 1. Work plan

Table 2. Budget



1. Identity

1.1 Name: Chede Cooperative Union Ltd

A union of agricultural cooperative societies and common initiative groups established in September 2003 but existing as Chede Agric Project since 1986.

1.2 Head office: P.O. Box 20 Bangem Kupe Muanenguba Division, South West Province, Cameroon.

Tel:    79 54 89 29

33 39 79 03

Email: and


1.3 Geographical scope:   South West and Littoral Regions.

1.4 Activities: Support farmer organizations in terms of production, value addition and marketing of products.

1.5  Technical Partners:

Ched has a working partnership agreement with IRAD (Institut de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement) and with IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) dating back to 2009. The goal of these partnership agreements is to field test and multiply selected crop varieties geared towards developing profitable crop production systems with increased market value. Since 2009 Chede has been conducting field trials and evaluations of genotypes- cassava, yam, plantain and banana in the Chede Agric Project Farm in Muambong, a high altitude zone in Kupe Muanenguba Division of the South West region.

1.6 Mission: To provide farmer support services for enhanced agricultural production and productivity with a view to modernising smallholder agriculture in Cameroon.


The project seeks to train in practical ways, including on demonstration plots, in the rapid multiplication of improved cassava and plantain varieties with high yields and genetic resistance to pest and diseases. Some disease resistant plantain, banana, cassava and yam clones have already been evaluated in the Chede Agric farm in collaboration with IITA. The present project will expand on-farm demonstration together with the technical support of IRAD. Field days and schools will be organized to educate farmers and disseminate the clones.

 2. Project Fact Sheet:

2.1:  Project geographical scope: Kupe-Muanenguba Division used as pilot for of the South West Region of Cameroon. Capacities of farmers will be built in four locations considered to be pilot focal points for Chede; Muambong, Bangem, Tombel and  Ngusi.

2.2:  Potential beneficiary population and groups: An estimated 1000 farmers, with special focus on women food producers who are members of  Chede-affiliated groups and related entities (cooperatives, CIG’s, NGO’s and village communities).

2.3:  Function: Scientific and technical capacity building.

2.4:   Key themes:

–          Technical capacity development.

–          Food production, food security and improve livelihoods

–          Income generation and endemic poverty reduction

2.5:  Rationale:   Translate into practical outcomes in Kupe-Muanenguba Division the recommendations of the Cameroon Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) regarding the efficient production of cassava and plantain. These crops are amongst the most important starchy crops in Cameroon and make an important contribution to food security, employment, diversification of income sources in rural and urban areas and procure considerable socio-economic benefits to the producer. Nevertheless, yields of these crops have steadily declined in the past far below the potential, essentially due to multiple parasitic attacks (nematodes, weevil, and fungi among others) and decline of soil fertility, inducing a major threat to food security.