Following the release of the ‘Global Europe’ strategy1 and the end of the European moratorium on bilateral trade negotiations with commercially meaningful partner countries in 2006, policy-makers in Brussels have significantly expanded and diversified the EU external trade negotiation portfolio. Since then, the European Commission has initiated a wide range of negotiations with important trade and investment partners such as South Korea, Canada, India, several ASEAN member states, as well as – most recently – Japan, the United States, and Morocco. Adding to the longstanding efforts to advance EU foreign policy objectives through the negotiation of trade agreements with lesser developed countries, the Commission, in 2010, declared that “the latest generation of competitiveness-driven Free Trade Agreements is precisely inspired by the objective to unleashing the economic potential of the world’s important growth markets to EU trade and investment.” . . . → Read More: EU-Preferential-Trade-Agreements- (PDF – Kb)

Chede Cooperative Union
Supporting African village communities in agricultural production, processing and trade