Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants

The report “Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants” from International Alert’s Strengthening the Economic Dimensions of Peacebuilding practice note series explains what economic development planners and practitioners can do to support the socio- economic reintegration of former combatants. It will assist you in your efforts to mobilise economic actors to play a constructive role in reintegration processes. The socio- economic reintegration of former combatants is important and relevant for economic development planners and practitioners as successful reintegration will increase security and stability; both necessary pre-conditions for economic development, business expansion and the reduction of costs and risks
of doing business. Simultaneously, economic recovery and business expansion are essential preconditions for successful socio-economic reintegration, as most ex-combatants will need to find employment in the private sector.

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